Angie's Weekly Recovery Tip: Using Your Imagination

It is common for people in recovery to feel stuck every now and then and believe that it will never get better.

But the reality is that there are ways for you to get into action about the very thing you feel the most stuck about.

Today, I'm sharing one of my favorite practices to help you feel less stuck in your recovery process.

Angie's Weekly Recovery Tip: It's Time to Talk About It

It's almost National Eating Disorders Awareness (#NEDAwareness) Week and this year’s theme is It’s Time to Talk About It.

Talking about the eating disorder that you're struggling with is an important first step on your healing journey.

In this week's Recovery Tip, I'm talking about the importance of opening up and letting someone in. 

If you’re struggling with an eating disorder, call the National Eating Disorder Association hotline at 1-800-931-2237.

Visit NEDA's website for more information on Eating Disorders Awareness Weeks than runs from Feb 26th - March 4th

Recommended resource: REbel 

Angie's Weekly Recovery Tip: Imperfect Recovery

One of the ways to get stuck in your recovery process is that there is this tendency to believe that you're going to recover perfectly.

However, perfect recovery doesn't exist.

I encourage you to set the intention to let go of the eating disorder behaviors but to give yourself some space and grace to have that not be perfect.

Recommended Song: Andra Day - Rise Up

Angie's Weekly Recovery Tip: Start Small & Start Before You're Ready


Recovery is not about waiting until you're ready or wanting to do it perfectly and all at once.

Recovery is about starting small and taking tiny little steps forward on your path to recovered...

...before you're ready!

Imagine a small way that you can get into action now!

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